Rhinitis, congested nose, never-ending runny nose. Rhinitis caused by common cold is fortunately gone after several days. But what to do when the runny nose lasts for months or years?! The inability to breathe in with nose reduces the performance of sportsmen, wakes people up from sleep or causes snoring. Is it even possible to treat chronic nasal obstruction? It is treatable with laser.

What does the procedure consist in?

Before the procedure a detailed examination must be made. By treating the turbinates with laser it causes the mucous membranes to heal and thereby open up the airway. It is a non-bleeding procedure. It is not necessary to cure subsequently the nasal cavity compared to obsolete methods and mainly there are no complications as creation of crusts in the nose. The uniqueness of this surgery (unlike other methods) consists in minimum discomfort.

Rhinitis has different reasons. Most often it is due to swell of the mucous membrane of the nose. Chronic nasal obstruction is in this case removed with laser under local anesthesia. Not less often there are polyps that were until then solved by repeated moderating procedures. At good clinics it is possible to remove this unpleasant relapsing disease under control of top endoscopic technique.

Polyps can be also removed with laser. The treatment is usually very comfortable; laser is very delicate to the nasal mucosa. Analgesics or antibiotics are given only rarely.

Who is suitable candidate?

Suitable candidate is anybody with nose congestion. Rhinitis has of course even other symptoms. Solution for the patients suffering from repeating inflammation of mucous membrane of the nose is again an endoscopic laser surgery. Other symptoms of rhinitis are headache, loss of smell, rhino sinusitis, and accumulation of mucus in the throat. Nasal obstruction can lead to snoring, sleeping problems and reduction of daily performance. Very often people have just runny nose.

Before the treatment

Every procedure has to be made after an examination by ORL specialist that is also a surgeon and has experiences not just with laser but also with other cure of long-lasting rhinitis. Only this way best choice of process is guaranteed.

Process of treatment

It is an out patient procedure and painless. The patient lies and after anesthesia of the mucosa a laser ray is inserted. By treating the turbinates with laser it causes the mucous membranes to heal and thereby open up the airway. It is a non-bleeding procedure. After the surgery the patient has a feeling of itchy nose, has usually no pain and by the treatment no nasal packing is required. The next day the patient can go back to work. It is not necessary to cure subsequently the nasal cavity compared to obsolete methods and mainly there are no complications as creation of crusts in the nose. The uniqueness of this surgery (unlike other methods) consists in minimum discomfort. The final effect can be evaluated after several weeks, which is in most cases excellent.

After the treatment

If the clinic has top laser technique then it can offer good progress after the surgery. The patient returns back to work the same day or the day after the treatment. The treatment indication and the surgery itself are at good clinics performed always by the same surgeon. Home care after the surgery including following check-ups are provided.

Final effect

Final effect, which is evaluated after several weeks, is in most cases very good and long-lasting. The success rate of the treatment is 90%.