The treatment of dental caries still represents for years a traumatic process for many patients. The fear from the treatment with dental drill leads the patients to avoid the visit at the dental office till it comes to painful complications caused by not treated decay.

Fortunately the same as in other medicine branches happens even in stomatology, the development and application of new technologies. A revolutionary innovation that shows new way of the treatment is the usage of laser in stomatology.

So called tooth drilling is always followed by factors that cause pain, such as vibrations, pressure, warm, that are part of the classic treatment. Laser works as a touchless device so that these factors are eliminated and this enables minimum pain or even no pain during the dental caries treatment.

Another less pleasant treatment is the removal of dental calculus from the visible part of the tooth as well as the parts of teeth that are hidden from the eyes of attending dentist. The principle of deep subgingival tartar removal is based on reaction with the use of fluorescent ray that first takes a look under the gums and then based on this evaluation the tartar is removed by laser.

Laser finds its use in stomatosurgical procedures there, where earlier served the scalpel as the only one device to solve problems. There it reduces the complications that were often followed by these procedures, such as greater soreness, bleeding or swelling. It represents for example facilitated way of erupting wisdom teeth.

Laser helps even to heal such problems like aphthae and herpes. With laser application the time of healing is shortened, by cessation of the wet wound surface, by liquidation of germs and by removal of small nervous endings in the wound that are the starter of these signs.

First place in the Czech Republic, where this new KEY Laser 1243 is used, is Laurea Clinic.