Fat vs. Muscle. The concept of beauty moved from the large and round to the slender and angular. In recent days, the trend has moved even more toward the slender, athletic body. The muscular, athletic female and male body shape has become the gold standard. One strives to achieve this athletic look through the efforts of rigorous diet and exercise. Aerobic and weight bearing exercises can all lead to a well-developed muscular appearance. However, diet and exercise do not always provide the desired results. Many individuals have stubborn areas of fat that block their goals despite strenuous exercise and diet.

The superficial fat, softens the contours of the musculoskeletal frame. “It is the lack of body fat, not increased muscularity, that gives clear definition to muscles seen through the skin. Therefore, any technique& technology, that improves control of the fatty layers with respect to contouring, will improve our ability to control our results when contouring the male or female body.

Hi Def LipoSculpture Explained

Hi Def  LipoSculpture is the realization of anatomy and art, utilizing both technique, and technology. Art in recognizing how the anatomy of skin, fat and muscle contributes to the sculptured appearance of the human form. Technique, in developing  ways of accentuating each of these structures contribution to the sculpted body, not by a new exercise program, but in the technique of Hi Def Liposculpture. That was built  on the techniques of significant surgeons such as Dr Alfredo Hoyos, Dr. Edwaldo Bolivar de Souza Pinto and Mentz. Dr. de Souza Pinto pioneered superficial liposuction when he developed his approach to the superficial layer using small caliber cannulaes. This tecnique achieved skin retraction along with resection of fatty excess. Mentz and colleagues point out that traditional liposuction techniques often fail to achieve the ‘washboard’ aesthetic goal because “subdermal fat obscures the muscular detail”. Their response to this deficiency is a technique called “Abdominal Etching” which refers to differential  LiposuctionSurgery to detail abdominal musculature, specifically to that of the rectus abdominus. The rectus abdominus is topographically visualized as the linea alba, linea semilunaris, and the transverse tendinous intersections within the rectus abdominous muscle. These landmarks are enhanced with localized superficial liposuction to deepen the natural grooves or furrows. While this technique offered options in body sculpting, it still had a common complaint of appearing unnatural and was limited in that it focused on only one muscle group, while ignoring many other muscles that contributed to the physique of the male torso. It also mainly focused on men, ignoring the contouring concerns of a majority of women. This demand for greater precision in Liposuction has developed into the more exact and complex technique referred to as liposculpture. The term ‘liposculpture’ first appeared in 1991 and was described as a technique that “shapes the body by removing fat cells in areas where there is excess fat and/or by adding fat cells to areas where additional padding is desired”. It is a highly surgeon-dependent procedure in that the results depends entirely on the skill and the ‘aesthetic eye’ of the surgeon. The surface anatomy is an accurate reflection of the disposition and development of the abdominal wall muscles specifically the rectus abdominis, obliquus abdominis, and serratus magnus muscles. In addition, definition of the male chest contributes to the topography of the anterior view in the male. The lumbosacral curve and gluteal anatomy contributes to the posterior topography in the female. Recognizing the surface anatomy is highly important .It is the blueprint of actual beauty. Reproducing this surface anatomy by liposculpture can create a highly muscular body in both males and females. Hi Def Liposculpture uses deep, superficial and transitioning liposculpture techniques in specific anatomical areas, namely over the rectus abdominus, serratus magnus, external obliques, pectoralis major, inguinal ligaments, and in the sacral area, to create a more natural muscular appearance of the human form. Intramuscular autologous fat transfer in the areas that need more volume (e.g., the pectorals in males or the gluteal region in females) have also helped patients to achieve their goal of a more athletic, muscular appearance. Hi Def LipoSculpture recognizes how the anatomy of skin, fat and muscle control one’s appearance by defining the fat overlying these structures, contributing to the highly defined sculptured appearance of the human form. Recently, new and innovative surgical techniques have been developed which present these patients with the opportunity to reach their goal. The tumescent technique, a super-wet technique used with ultrasound-assisted lipoplasty (UAL) has proven to help plastic surgeons in their mission to provide patients with more precise results and quicker recovery time. LipoSelectionSM, the most recent addition to the UAL, has greatly improved our ability to contour fat. Not only is it selective in what it resects, but in what it leaves behind, namely much of the connective tissue, nerve and vascular tissue, important in the patients healing process. Superficial Lipectomy also became much more efficient, consistent, and rapid . LipoSelection has made Hi Def LipoSculpture result much more consistent and easier to accomplish, because of its ability to control the superficial portion of the procedure. In addition, by its selective properties, patients experience much faster and less painful recoveries.

Fit and Femine

HD Liposculpture  is designed for women that want to obtain their best possible figure. This procedure can enhance the natural muscular anatomy that is often covered by excess fat and create an athletic appearance. The ultimate contour is fit and feminine.

All about ABS

ABS are the most appealing area for a fit body. The washboard look displays attitude, health, and vitality. HD Liposculpture can re-create the divisions of the six- packs In men, as well as the other muscles of the torso, enhancing the anatomy and creating a visibly enhanced shape. The result is a healthier , younger-looking version of you.

The sexy Shape

DHL can make a sexier you. Removing fat from specific anatomical areas and grafting into others, like the gluteal area In female, the end result is sexier ,curvy body. No need to use Implants or artificial substances ,you look and feel natural.

A Step to Fitness

Tired of training in the gym every day without the results you dream of? HDL is an additional step in the process, it is not a failure to fitness. It increases the motivation in the gym and the desire to maintain the physical fitness , it is a life-changing experience.

Fit as ever, everywhere

HDL can enhance the entire body into new shapes and forms. High Def ; Arms ,legs ,pectoral in males.

Is HDL for me?

HDL was designed to create an athletic look in both men and women. It is not reserved for highly fit people, but for normal people that desire to look their best. It can be performed in adults according to their specific health condition’s HDL should not be performed after massive weight loss, or on patients with severe stretch marks in the abdominal area. It is not recommended for patients with marked muscular laxity or moderate to severe redundant skin. HDL is not a replacement for a fitness routine; you need to continue your fitness program following the HI-DEF Liposculpture.