Fat deposits in the abdominal area are different in men and women. In men fat is deposited mostly to abdominal cavity, in women into the hypodermis. That is why this procedure is more often performed in women than men. The problem consists in that after weight loss the skin is not able to adapt the reduced volume of tissue and its excessive amount is formed into not nice looking folds. The surgery brings very good looking and functional results, although at the cost of scars that are necessary to remove skin excesses. These scars are permanent. Although they fade after some time and they become less conspicuous. The healing of the scars is individual, there is a range of preparations that support the healing markedly and that can minimize an aesthetic handicap.

Abdominoplasty or “tummy tuck” is not only an aesthetic surgery, it also solves functional defects of abdominal wall or rectus abdominis muscle gap. At our clinic we differentiate three types of surgeries according to individual desires of the client.

It is so-called reduction of fat and skin in the lower part of abdomen, reduction of fat and skin in the whole abdomen and reduction of fat and skin including plastic surgery of abdominal muscles. A suitability of specific surgical procedure is decided by the surgeon during a consultation with the client.

There is no age limit for this procedure. The health state is decisive. The aim of the surgery except good looking and functional effect is also to stop the process of weakening of the abdominal wall.

The patient stays in hospital usually 3-4 days after the surgery, after that a calm mode and home care is necessary for another 5-7 days. The first bandage after leaving the hospital is done after a week from the surgery. We recommend calm mode for approximately 14 days after the surgery, full physical exercise is possible after gradual rehabilitation approximately after 6 weeks. We recommend lymphatic drainage massages as a complement to after surgical care. It helps faster healing of the swelling and shortening the recovery process. Pulling feeling and changes of sensitiveness in the operated areas are common and they fade away spontaneously after several weeks or sometimes months. The effect of the surgery is long-lasting. In case of large layer of subcutaneous fat, when there are even large fat cushions on the hips, it is good to complete the abdominoplasty with liposuction of these locations after some time. This really helps to reach perfect total effect. We do not perform liposuction of subcutaneous fat together with the abdominoplasty because of higher risk of complications during the healing process after the surgery.